More than a year ago, I wrote a blog titled I am a child of God! and posted a picture of a gardenia tree that I had transplanted and pruned. The four gardenias at the time seemed pretty bare and empty. It seemed like they would need more time to flourish. Still, the new location, pruning and feeding were all the right ingredients for rejuvenation. Gardenia tree, 31 October 2022 Accepting the will of God is something every Christian asks each time they pray the Our Father. The four powerful words " Your will be done " are full of meaning, but we often rush over repeating them. Later, when things turn out a specific way, we can easily forget our petition to let things be according to God's will. Our Lord leaves us with a set of words that take away any misconceptions about God we may have from the Old Testament. He says: " … love one another; even as I have loved you ... " (John 13:34). This helps us realise that when we ask God to do His will in our lives, he...