How do we pinpoint the moment in life that makes us an adult? We all grow from tiny little and totally dependent babies on our parents to very quickly learn to speak, eat and talk. We go to school to gain knowledge and acquire life experience. Then before you know it, we pursue a specific field of work. Many find a spouse and start a new family; some take other paths that God may call them to. However, the question remains where precisely in this very ordinary journey of life do we mark the defining point of childhood to adulthood? Three generations, 11 June 2023 Think of a tree that towers over the skies casting shade from the scorching sun and offering branches of shelter and protection. Although the tree may be fully grown, it remains the same tree that was once a tiny seed that fell to the ground, watered, and given the proper nourishment. That preparation which all began with a small seed needing only warmth, food and water, was always the groundwork to someday branch out as ...