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Showing posts from April, 2021


The long weekends are great opportunities for family time. We had a good family reunion among my niece, my cousin's son and daughter, and my son. They range from 4 years to 8 months old. Watching little children play is a lesson on the creation story we read about in Genesis. Little girls have such a distinct and inherent desire toward motherhood imprinted in their bodies and souls (their entire person).  Layla and Micaela, March 2021 Layla (my niece is about 20 months old) often cradles her baby dolls around in her arms. She tries to feed Noah (my 9-month-old son) with the bottle from her dolls, or she strokes his head as if she is reassuring him that he is alright. My cousin Melissa has a daughter just under three years old, Micaela. Outside in the garden, she played a doctor's role with her toy stethoscope, examining her far removed cousin's health. Noah was only interested in the wheels on his fire truck and striking it with his toy hammer. Melissa's eldest son, Gia...