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One of the benefits of working from home is that my guardian Angel has fewer dangers from which to protect me. Before the pandemic, I left the office after 5:30 pm. I took the usual walk through the Pretoria CBD arcades, walking about 1 km in total to reach the public car parking. 

Bruce Lee, Hong Kong 2017

About 30 meters toward the end of the arcade, it opens up into a wide passage that leads to Church Square. Unaware as I exited the first arcade, a man waiting for me ran into me abruptly to knock me off my feet and sought to grab my cellphone from my pocket. 

My senses became hyper-aware and immediately averted the fall. I instantaneously swung the lunch bag I was carrying striking the man across the face. He came at me a second time filled with intent, and once again, I swung the bag at him, hoping he would stay away, and my lunch bag handle broke off on one side. Now furious and frustrated, he charged me a third time with a broken lunch bag dangling in my hand like those medieval spike balls on the end of a chain. I took my final strike with the lunch bag to avoid physical contact. The bag whipped around his head this time, and I thought this should be enough to deter the man. 

I thought wrong, and this man now put his fists up to start a street brawl. Thoughts in my head were racing. I have only ever fought in the karate dojo in a controlled environment, and the first thing I thought was that today would be the first day I would have to fight someone. I felt reluctant and knew I would have to wait for him to land the first strike before reacting. I got into my karate stance and waited for this man, and at that moment, I felt as if I had an invisible force that was somehow in between us. In a change of events, the man looked at me one last time, said something rude, and ran for his life toward Church square. I, in shock, raced to the car park as the adrenaline left my body. 

The famous lunch bag

That force felt as if it was radiating out from my soul. I was protected by something invisible, yet so powerful it scared the visible intruder away. I believe that invisible force was my guardian Angel. I am sure we all can recall occasions where we have received some protection without a suitable explanation afterward? 

"Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life." St Basil 

From the beginning of human life until death, we believe that our life is surrounded by the angel's watchful care and intercession (a guardian angel). Now is this some random Catholic belief? 

The angels are present in the scriptures since the beginning of the creation story and through to the New Testament:

  1. Jesus incarnation - The angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her to not fear for she was to conceive and bear a son, called Jesus (Luke 1:30-31). 
  2. Jesus infancy - St. Joseph, in a dream instructed by an angel to take Jesus and flee to Egypt, to avoid the massacre Herod was planning on all male children under the age of two (Matthew 2:13).
  3. Jesus temptation - the devil tempted Our Lord to turn stones into bread, fling himself off the top of the temple, and to deny God for the greed of power to possess the kingdoms of the earth. Jesus rebuked satan, and he fled, and instead, the angels came and ministered to him (Matthew 4:1-11).
  4. The agony of Jesus in the garden - right before Jesus was arrested and endured immense suffering, he prayed that the Father's will be done, and an angel from heaven appeared, strengthening Jesus (Luke 22:43-44).
  5. Jesus resurrection - at Jesus resurrection from the tomb, a great earthquake shook the earth as an angel descended from heaven and rolled back the stone (Matthew 28:2).

As we can see, the angels are servants and messengers of God. They are spiritual creatures that have intelligence and will. They are personal and immortal creatures and more perfect than visible creatures (CCC 329-330). 

Greater awareness of the angels, in particular, our own guardian angel, is essential. Our angel has never left our side from our birth till the present. Our guardian angel is beside us in good and bad times, offering protection and prompting us to grow in our spiritual life. In moments where we deny the good for our own soul, and something unexplainable encourages us to go against our will. That could be our guardian angel. 

Some people lean on their guardian angels to help them with simple things like finding parking, supporting them during a presentation, or accompanying them in a difficult situation. Your guardian angel is by your side always, give them a personal name, talk to them, and become aware of their protection. We may go by years without ever recognising the presence of our angel. Still, it's never too late to say thank you to God for your angel's daily protection. 

"Get used to thanking the Guardian Angels in advance, thus putting them under an obligation." (The Forge, 93)

St. Josemaria makes the point above, and it's a very profound point. Try it! When you find yourself in a tough situation, say a prayer to Our Lord, thanking him in advance for your guardian angel. If others are involved, we can pray to their guardian angel, asking for help in a particular situation. Maybe you have a colleague or person that always gives you a hard time? Learn to evoke the invisible creatures by asking your guardian angel and that person's guardian angel to greet and resolve the issue. No matter how hardened the heart of a man, their guardian angel will never give up on them! 

An excellent childhood prayer many of us may recall from little and may pass on to our children. If you have never repeated this prayer, a simple effort to pray it every day may help us grow more aware of our angels. 

Angel of God Prayer 

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. 

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